10 Proffesional mistakes in blogging

Saturday, June 6, 2009 | posted in | 0 comments

1) Posts for Traffic, search-engine not for readers: henever you write a post, do not forget that its very purpose is to satisfy the reader who comes to it. Your content is for the reader, not for search engine. Your post is not written for a search engine. If your post does not have, what the reader wants. Your post never comes up. Always try to write posts such that they are recommended. This builds a good reputation for you
2) Worrying about the number of posts: When someone has newly entered the BLOGOSPHERE, they are in a hurry to make more and more number of posts instead of worrying about the quality of posts. Slowly there will be a steady decrease in the number of posts, finally blogging comes to an end.
3) Interaction with your audience: You should interact the best you can with your regular readers and the one who leaves a comment on your blog. I personally check all the posts that I have commented, because if the ADMIN does not give a reply to the comment. Then the reader will never be interested in leaving a comment. By this time you must have known how a blog or a post looks like with out comments
4) Not promoting the blog: Its not only the content which makes you sucessfl in blogging. One should know how to promote his blog by submitting to various blog directories. A long article related to the blog niche must be submitted to the article directories. It will be also wise to submit some of them in FORUMS.
5) Blogging for money: I have come across many bloggers who exclusively blog to earn money. The graph between Passion Vs Profits. Profits are taken priority which ultimately leads to a unsucessful blog. Its the passion about a topic that keeps the blogger on a long run
6) Bad Layout or Design: Every true blogger has to keep in mind that. It is the content that keeps the user coming to a particular page. But the question how long a user stays on a page is answered by the design.
7) Presentation of a post: As you already have heard one million times "CONTENT IS KING". But the way you present to your readers is most important. You should not keep all the important and interesting points somewhere in the middle of the post. Present them in the first 3-4 lines of a post. They should appeal to your reader. The heading should be most relevant.
8) Blogging on a inconsistent basis: I have seen many bloggers who start very very actively initially. But, as the time goes passes they reduce both the number of posts and the quality of posts. This happens because they choose topic which is favourite to many. But not to them. They loose enthusiasm as the topic is no interesting to them. So, always choose the niche that you can update, learn, teach
9) Stop checking and learning: you can always learn something from other blogs and bloggers.Check the way of presentation, their way of replying to comments, the way the build their community and loyal reader of the sucessful one in blogging. Never think that you are the best in your topic. However good you are. Correcting your mistakes that you have made in the past( This is the best way to learn).
10) Distracting the reader: This is done by the bloggers unknowingly and unintentionally. This can be done by embedding a lot of ads, pop-ups, banners, irrelevant images, giving a number of hyper text links for the same purpose, confusing the reader by some or other means like, not giving final opinion about what should be done or what should not be done etc.

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